Total Coaching

How do you create hindsight in advance ? How do you prepare people for change and ensure they are ready for the challenge, rather than 'the sink or swim' approach ? How do you make change a positive experience, learning from the past and reducing some of the fear often associated with large scale change ? The answer might be simple. But actually living it is very hard. Total Coaching urges managers to focus on four key areas of leadership:

  • Managing performance
  • Creating alignment
  • Developing potential
  • Selling the benefits of change to the individual
These four areas provide meaning and purpose to work. The process of Total Coaching treats employees as adults as partners. It makes them feel valued and creates commitment and ownership for change.
Total Coaching only works if it is lived and becomes a way of being. This is where our tools, support material and methodology come into their own. Managers need help to break 'old' habits and adopt new approaches.